January 22, 2019 In attendance: Chair Savannah Jewell, Ryan Wynkoop, Kay Franscoviak, Kenny Jones, Kristi Evans, Dinah Dalder, Eric Danz, Mary Jo Risk, Jeremy Grossman, Claudia Alenduff, Susie Riley and Pastor Tracey Savannah opened with prayer. Kristi made a MOTION to accept the minutes of November 27, 2018. Kenny seconded and all approved. Pastor Tracey asked for help from everyone on the Board for the following:
- Living Stones (Ruth Smith will be in town on March 1 to help train people in calling businesses for donations to the Living Stone. She has a list of businesses but needs help in calling.) - Invite people to Fusion on the 3rd Monday of every month - Invite people to our 150th year anniversary celebration on February 28, 2019. This is open for the entire Community. Everyone volunteered to do one or two items. Tracey showed us how easy it was by calling Sean McCann and inviting him by telling him the different speakers and performances for the evening. She asked that we have our calling done by January 31, 2019. Staff Parish – Staff Parish minutes are confidential, per the Board By-Laws. Finance – Eric emailed the 2018-year end numbers. He will check on the trend and pattern of utilities. A question came up about why office supplies expense was 212.40% to budget. Eric said office supplies also includes software and office equipment service. It has been under-budgeted in prior years. Going digital with newsletters should save some expense in 2019. 150th Anniversary Team – Tracey reported on the February 28th celebration. Starting at 5:00 p.m. hors d’oeuvres will be served and building tours will be given. At 6:00 p.m. speakers and performances will be performed in Sanctuary. On October 13 we will have a homecoming dinner. Asking everyone to reach out to past members. Missions – Mary Jo reported the following: - Received $3,579.55 for Bishop’s Christmas offering - Fusion Souper Bowl on January 21 was very well attended. Rebecca Hauer (Writer, amateur Theologian, abuse survivor who blogs about Faith, abuse recovery and mental health) was the speaker. Her talk was well received. All proceeds will go to Food Finders. - Successful donations of hat and mittens for Miller School. - Mardi Gras pancake supper will be on Tuesday, March 5. Need volunteers to help set up onSunday, March 3 after church. Cindy Garver, UMCOR Disaster Response Coordinator will be the speaker. All donations for the evening will go to UMCOR. Trustees – Kristi reported that we had to suspend work on the bricks due to the cold weather. If they are not finished by the DNR deadline, they will have a $50,000 penalty. The Wi-Fi has been damaged and they will have that fixed at no cost to Trinity. GREAT Room – Still working on fixing sound issues. Plan to install sound panels. There will also be a GREAT room sign defining the acronym. February 6, all floors will be cleaned and polished. Need volunteers to help move furniture after service on February 3. Savings of $2,000 by doing ourselves. Parsonage – Irrigation system was not shut off in the fall. This is a job that is done routinely by the provider. Kristi will work with the provider in hopes they will cover cost. If they do not, Kristi to look for a new provider. Snow Removal – We have already spent $2,142.50 on snow removal. The company needs to do a better job at clearing off the parking lot. Kristi asked for the following invoices to be paid from BUILDING ENDOWMENT: - $7.20 – Mulhaupt’s – Keys - $665.64 Advance Tech – HVAC maintenance and air filters and belt replacement - $41.98 – Sherwin-Williams – Paint - $298.00 – Indiana Wildlife Specialties – Removal of bat - $638.00 – D&K Construction – Labor and material for North door lockset - $12.30 – Haley’s Lock, Safe & Key – Lock defroster and lubricant - $103.00 – Steve’s Overhead Door – Service call and replacement of broken cable on Parsonage garage door. Kristi made a motion to pay the above invoices from BUILDING ENDOWMENT. Kay seconded and all approved. Tracey’s Sabbatical – Tracey has coordinated Pastors and other speakers for Sunday services. Contracts for Rev. Linda Dolby, Rev. Jack Hartman, Pastor Amber Treager and Morris Dubose with their responsibilities were presented. Pastor Tracey will be gone April 25 thru July 24, 2019. After discussing, Kristi made a MOTION to accept the four contracts. Kay seconded and all approved. A send off reception for Tracey on Sunday, April 7, after worship is planned with light refreshments. Kay and Kristi to coordinate. Some kind of dinner (possible cook out) will be planned when she returns after July 24. There will be story suppers on June 2 and June 19. Isabel Danz will coordinate food. The Story Suppers will be facilitated by Morris and will result in compiling a congregational narrative. Ryan closed with prayer at 7:45. Our next meeting will be February 26, 2019. Respectfully submitted, Claudia Alenduff
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