Nakeshia Hedrick, Executive Director at Family Promise of Greater Lafayette (
The COVID crisis has put significant strain on our nation’s economy and not-for-profit organizations are facing considerable stress even as the populations they serve are increasing. While Trinity has focused on being missional (building transformative relationships with those in need), it is currently a challenge to develop and build new individual relationships. So, during the month of August, we will focus on building our relationships with local community service providers and supporting them during this difficult time. Each Sunday in August, during morning worship AND via video on Trinity’s website and Facebook page, you will hear from a leader at a local not-for-profit about how they serve our community, how the needs for their services have changed and grown during this pandemic, and how we can make a difference in supporting their work. We would like to challenge everyone at Trinity to give an additional $10/ week (a grand total of $50) toward this mission outreach. We recognize that some within our congregation have also been financially impacted by this pandemic and, if that is your situation, ask simply that you give as you are able. Also, if you are in a financial position to do so, larger gifts are welcomed and encouraged. You may give in the following ways:
Dinah Dalder shares about working with the USDA Farmers to Families Milk Give Away, partnering with Prairie Farms Dairy.
"And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work." (1 Corinthians 9:8) While we are asked to stay physically distant from our neighbors, Trinity is getting creative in finding ways to serve our neighbors during this difficult time. Doing a grocery run for a neighbor. Cooking meals. Buying gift cards from local businesses. Hanging art up on your windows. Everyone has something to give. How are you serving your neighbors in this time? Check out all the ways that Trinity is serving our community on the Serve page. Want to help support Trinity serve our community during this time? Give to Trinity here. Laura on participating in Trinity’s Visitation Ministry. Learn more about this ministry here.
"And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work." (1 Corinthians 9:8) While we are asked to stay physically distant from our neighbors, Trinity is getting creative in finding ways to serve our neighbors during this difficult time. Doing a grocery run for a neighbor. Cooking meals. Buying gift cards from local businesses. Hanging art up on your windows. Everyone has something to give. How are you serving your neighbors in this time? Check out all the ways that Trinity is serving our community on the Serve page. Want to help support Trinity serve our community during this time? Give to Trinity here. |
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December 2020