Pastor Tracey asked me to say a few words about why Mike & I tithe....Since I have attended this church for some 20 years, I don't really think about why I tithe...I just do. But as with a lot of Pastor Tracey's sermons - I really thought about this question.
Did you know the bible mentions money over 800 times!?! I guess I should think about it more. In Deuteronomy it states to give 10% by the law and Matthew tells us so where your treasures are your heart will be there also. We all know part of our tithing goes to building utilities, restoration, improvements and general upkeep - not very glamourous. But then I thought of the thousands of people that have come thru our doors (which by the way have been recently restored) and sit in these pews to worship or participated in our many programs - their lives were blessed in ways we will never know. Our tithes supported that and I think that priceless! Another piece of that is our staff - Trinity has been beyond blessed with staff that keep our ministries vital and alive with the spirit. They work tirelessly to support us and keep the church going.... this support is invaluable to me. Some of the things I find most exciting about tithing are the many ways it's used to help people - not only in our church but also the community. Our caring fund is one example - not only has it helped build a ramp for a church member in need, but it has been used regularly to help individuals from Brianna’s Hope and Home with Hope who do small jobs at the church and are given food cards or rental assistance in return. This has given them a new hope and sense of purpose - just to have someone believe in you. It's exciting to see our tithes used in this way. There are many programs Trinity does with our tithes that reach out and support our neighbors and community...Jubilee, B2SB, F2F the community garden and many more.... All these things plus so much more happen here at Trinity. We are an amazing faith community! I feel blessed and honored to be a small part of that and as I look out at all your familiar faces - I am assuming you feel the same. Tithing is more than a responsibility, it is a privilege, more than an act of obedience, it is evidence of our faith. So I am going to leave you with the same thought provoking question Pastor Tracey asked me....Why do you tithe?? --Susie Riley, Finance Administrator for Trinity UMC
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