By Pastor Tracey Leslie
Scripture: Psalm 121 Between now and the beginning of Lent, Trinity has been offering a weekly discussion group focused on the book A Long Obedience by Eugene Peterson, a deep dive into the Psalms of Ascent. This week we’re looking at Psalm 121. These were pilgrimage psalms, used by ancient Israelites as they made the journey to Jerusalem three times a year for religious festivals. Jerusalem, specifically Mount Zion, was where the Temple was located. It was considered the place of God’s holy habitation. To draw near to God, for an ancient Jew, meant journeying to Jerusalem.
By Pastor Tracey Leslie
Scripture: Psalm 120 Years ago, I read this corny joke. A man was traveling on a plane. He had a fear of flying. Observing his terror, his traveling companion said, “Try to relax. You’re a person of faith. Think of all the promises Jesus makes in scripture. Jesus is with you.” To which the fearful man, quoting the King James translation of Matthew 28:20 replied, “Yes, but his exact words were “lo, I am with you always…” It is, as I’ve said a corny joke. But it also reminds us that in our world, currently filled with so much chaos, uncertainty, and violence, it is sometimes difficult to sense the peace our faith should bring us. How do we rest secure in God’s peace at those times when the world seems to be blowing up around us? By Pastor Tracey Leslie
A sermon celebrating Baptism of the Lord Sunday Scripture: Mark 1:4-11 Some of you are aware that I am participating in a clergywomen’s program through Benedict Inn called Women Touched by Grace. As part of the program, each participant (and participants from prior groups) is lifted in pray one day each quarter (or four times a year). We define it as being lifted into the Circle of Grace. To help us get to better know one another, we were invited, at our first retreat, to choose three words to describe ourselves. They could be words descriptive of our character, our talents, our interests… whatever. They were to be words WE, not others, would use to describe ourselves. I want to invite you, right now, to pause this video and take a moment to do that exercise for yourself. What are three words you would use to describe yourself? Don’t think about what others would say or what you wish they would say about you. Don’t place value judgments on the words. It’s entirely up to you. Pause this video and take a moment to jot down three words you would use to describe yourself. |
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Pastor Tracey
On a lifelong journey of seeking to live out God's call on my life and to reflect His grace. 10 Minute SermonsCategories
Sermon Archives
September 2022