By Pastor Tracey Leslie
Scripture: Luke 7:11-17 Perhaps you have heard about “young blood” transfusions? A company called Ambrosia has been selling plasma from donors ages 16 to 25, promoting its anti-aging benefits. Ambrosia founder, Jesse Karmazin, has touted impressive results from a clinical trial – although he hasn’t released those results. Karmazin claims that “young blood” can help older folks like me improve cholesterol, memory, even skin elasticity. One liter of “young blood” costs $8,000. Just this past week, Ambrosia suspended its practice of “young blood” transfusions after the FDA warned the public that such procedures have not been tested and may, in fact, pose health risks.[i] Nevertheless, even without FDA approval and at $8,000 a pop, it’s amazing how many people purchased the “treatment.” We all want to live longer and healthier, don’t we? We’re not looking forward to our own demise. Hence that well-known comment that it’s tough getting old, but “it’s better than the alternative.” [i]
By Pastor Tracey Leslie
Scripture: Luke 6:17-26 Let’s just be honest. None of us wants to feel bad when we leave church… or anywhere else for that matter. When I was in Indianapolis, I visited with a woman who had relocated from a different state and had attended our church a few times. During our visit, she wanted to make clear to me what she was looking for in a church. It was, she explained, primarily about the sermon. She wanted it to energize her so she could leave feeling good and ready for her week. I asked more questions to better define this “good.” Was it a particular preaching approach to scripture? Was it good use of media? Was it a program insert allowing worshipers to take notes to guide them in the coming week? Was it preaching about current events or daily life skills? Well, I confess, I left a little discouraged. It wasn’t any of those things. In fact, it wasn’t any one thing she could identify. She just knew it when she felt it… felt good, that is. By Pastor Tracey Leslie
Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8; Luke 5:1-11 Growing up, I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that I was – consistently – the smallest kid in my class. I was born with a birth defect that affected my eyes so, until I underwent surgery at age 3, my parents were very cautious about letting me play outdoors or in any rambunctious fashion. That probably had some affect on the development of my motor skills. So, from my earliest days of school, I remember recess and gym as being particularly painful. I was nearly always the last kid picked for the team and my presence was considered a liability by my teammates. I could never connect with a ball – of any size, using my hands, feet or a bat. So, I became enormously self-conscious with regards to any and all sports. |
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Pastor Tracey
On a lifelong journey of seeking to live out God's call on my life and to reflect His grace. 10 Minute SermonsCategories
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September 2022