When it comes to knowing your Bible, when’s the last time you read a passage out of Obadiah? Or heard a message from Habakkuk? Let’s face it, if you start a daily Bible Reading program on January 1 as a New Year’s Resolution, chances are pretty good you’ve gotten off track long before you made it to those obscure last 12 books of the Old Testament—known as the Minor Prophets.
Many of us, if not most, have never truly studied the Minor Prophets, which is a shame because they tell us a lot about social injustice and what God thinks about the rich and powerful taking advantage of the poor and weak—a topic certainly relevant to our times! Plus, they give us insights into what everyday life was like during Old Testament times and show us how God deals with evil—then, now, and still to come. Starting on October 6, Jeremy Grossman will be leading a new discussion series on the Minor Prophets, “Prophets by the Dozen,” with the Earth and Stars discussion group. This new study will focus on three objectives:
This discussion series will take place in two parts, with Part I starting October 6 and running through November 17:
Part II of the discussion will begin after the New Year. The group meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the Great Room Conference Room. Adults of all ages are welcome. Refreshments are provided and childcare/youth classes are always available.
October is stewardship month at Trinity. We have so much for which to be grateful. I hope you will take some time during the month of October to prayerfully reflect on the many blessings God has given you and how you have been blessed by your engagement with Trinity. At Trinity, our mission is to make disciples and our vision is to grow in love and service through relationships with God and community. How has your involvement with Trinity contributed to your Christian discipleship? How have you grown in your ability to love God and others through your involvement with Trinity? And how has Trinity provided you with opportunities to grow through loving and serving those in need? I am grateful for the difference Trinity makes in my life. I continue to be stretched as a disciple and a servant of Christ through my involvement with Trinity. I hope you can say the same! Even since my return from sabbatical, on numerous occasions people in our community have made remarks to me about situations they are aware of and ways that we have engaged in the lives of those in need in our community and helped and supported individuals during difficult times. What a privilege it is for us to support our church’s ministry that is making a difference in people’s lives.
I hope you will join us for worship throughout the month of October as we reflect together on what it means to give out of a sense of gratitude, as a way of giving thanks to God. Also, watch your mail and email for stewardship updates, the 2020 estimate of giving card, and a personal letter from Finance Chair, Eric Danz. Please return your 2020 Estimate of Giving Card on or before October 27. About TrinityMission Statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Vision Statement: Growing in love and service through relationships with God and community. Trinity’s Core Spiritual Practices reflect the vows we take for church membership (to support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness):
Ministry Teams and Opportunties to Get InvolvedCaring Fund – Amber Traeger and Bob Lilly Sunday Morning Teams and Helpers:
Discipleship Ministry of Trinity UMC Guiding TenetsPrecept: A disciple of Jesus Christ at Trinity United Methodist Church seeks to grow and guide others in the Love of God and community through meaningful, intentional relationships and personal development. Expectations for Students: A disciple of Jesus Christ at Trinity United Methodist Church acts with:
People to Know at TrinityStaff:
What's New at TrinityKeep up to date on the happenings at Trinity Categories
November 2020