In this time of social distancing, your Trinity staff is doing our best to carry out our vision of “growing in love and service through relationships with God and community.” It’s more important than ever for us to remain connected to Christ and one another. We’ve taken four special steps to keep our connections strong.
While in-person worship is set to resume on June 14, we recognize that many people should not initially
return. If you are elderly, immune-compromised, or have a medical condition that places you at increased risk, please continue to engage with Trinity virtually. Although we miss being together, we want everyone to remain safe. Therefore, remote and in-person opportunities will continue simultaneously for the next several months. In-Person Opportunities
Opportunities for Prayer and Reflection
Pastor Tracey is offering opportunities for Christian prayer and reflection with scripture in two contexts:
Sunday Prayer Gathering Join us Sunday morning at 10 a.m. on Zoom for a virtual prayer gathering. Pastor Tracey always allows time at the end for fellowship. If you are missing some Trinity faces, log on and join us! It is a wonderful time to connect. Link: Meeting ID: 870 0612 9861 Password: 618051 You may join by phone by dialing 1-312-626-6799 Please remember that when worship resumes on Sunday, June 14, the weekly prayer gathering on zoom will begin at 9:30 a.m. instead of 10. For more information on re-opening, visit If you have not yet had a chance to view the worship service provided by the conference, it is still available on the homepage ( Pastor Tracey's sermon will be posted on the website on Sunday, May 31. Outreach Initiatives During COVID Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our outreach initiatives during the pandemic. We received $957.60 to provides meals for IU, Franciscan, and Family Promise. We are excited to share with you another outreach imitative taking place on June 23 at 6 p.m in the Trinity parking lot. As a part of the USDA Farmers to Families program Trinity United Methodist Church is partnering with Prairie Farms for a milk drive on June 23 at 6 o’clock. All community members are welcome to pick up a gallon of milk (or two) from the TUMC parking lot. We will need three volunteers to help on June 23. If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact Pastor Tracey directly. On Saturday, January 18, a group of Trinity staff, board members, and other lay leaders met for a day to
review Trinity’s ministries and progress with regards to our mission and vision. Those attending the retreat included: Pastor Tracey, Pastor Amber, Melissa Kramer, Savannah Jewell, Ryan Wynkoop, Norma Singley, Gloria Thompson, and Steven Flowers. The theme of the retreat was Seasons. We inventoried all of Trinity’s ministries and programs and evaluated their season of life. Here are some of the more significant discussions and decisions:
What's New at TrinityKeep up to date on the happenings at Trinity Categories
November 2020