Built to Last: Celebrating 150 years at Trinity: 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of Trinity’s historic church building. After our successful February anniversary event, two anniversary events remain this fall. Each event has a different character and has been geared to a different audience. September Gallery Wal On Friday, September 27, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Trinity will be a stop on the Tippecanoe Arts Federation Gallery Walk. Last winter and spring, Trinity opened our building to local artists to work and be inspired within our space. Their art is currently on display in the Great Room and will be featured during the September Gallery Walk. This is a great opportunity to promote our beautiful historic church. You can help in one of two ways: 1. Helpers are needed at the event for very simple set up and tear down AND to welcome and guide our guests. Art will be displayed in the sanctuary and Great Room and Guac Box owner Matt Bestitch is providing a nacho bar. The Archives Room will also be open. Please contact the office or Dr. Steve Ash if you are willing to help with this event. 2. Attend and bring a friend! Be sure to stop by the newly renovated Wells Community Cultural Center as you begin the walk for information about participating locations. Or, go to www.tippecanoearts.org/gallerywalks October Homecoming Sunday Homecoming Sunday, October 13On Sunday, October 13, our final event is a Homecoming Sunday. Morning worship will include guest musicians and guest preacher, Rev. Robyn Axel-Adams who grew up at Trinity. Musical selections will be provided by former music directors Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton and Marla Stanton. Worship will conclude with a presentation by Lafayette Mayor Tony Roswarski. At 11:30 a catered sit-down brunch will be served in Fellowship Hall.
The purpose of this event is to invite former Trinity folks to celebrate our Sesquicentennial anniversary with us. What do we mean by “former Trinity folks”? These would be:
remodeling, Great Room, brick work, gardens, updated kitchen, etc. We want former Trinity folks to remember and celebrate with us as we wrap up with this final anniversary event. We need your help! Our goal is at least 50 guests – former Trinity folks, in addition to our current members and constituents. Will you join us and invite someone back for our Homecoming? If you plan to attend the October 13 Homecoming Sunday service and brunch and/or to invite a friend, please RSVP no later than Thursday, September 26. You may RSVP by contacting the church office or signing up online at www.trinitylafayette.org/150th and click the sign up link or go directly to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D4BACAD23ABFA7-homecoming
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