It is a pleasure to announce that Trinity has received a $25,000 Church Development Urban Transitional Community Grant from the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church to fund a church growth plan called Ready, Set, Grow.
In the winter of 2015, church growth consultant Rev. Dr. Dan Bonner of the Center for Urban Congregational Development identified that it would be critical to Trinity’s future for us to develop stronger relationships with our neighborhood and partnerships with area not-for-profits. These initiatives are geared toward achieving this goal. Strong relationships with our neighborhood and our community are essential if we are to fulfill our God-given vision of "growing in love and service through relationships with God and community." Last fall a small, diverse group of Trinity folks formed a Dream Team to brainstorm ways to more successfully connect with our community. The ideas generated by the Dream Team were presented to the congregation after worship on Sunday, February 12, 2017. These ideas have been developed into four initiatives (see below) to grow community relationships with an over-arching goal of church growth. The grant will be used to fund a one-year contract with a Community Engagement Coach to work with initiative teams and a Ready, Set, Grow steering team to develop and launch these new outreach initiatives. Ruth Smith, Ph.D., will serve as our Community Engagement Coach. Ruth’s dissertation involved a group of Somali refugees in Columbus, Ohio. Here in Lafayette, Ruth has launched multiple effective community initiatives. Having already served on Trinity’s staff, Ruth begins with a solid knowledge of our congregation and its members that will allow her to more effectively guide and equip us in launching these new initiatives.
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